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大学毕业30年, 弹指一挥间, 今天我们回到学校与同学们相聚, 就像人生在旅途中,  放空自己, 与春天来个约会, 想想当初我们为什么要启程.

  此刻浮现在我们眼前的是, 大学五年里我们的欢乐和痛苦, 我们学习的点滴, 还有仰望星空的浪漫. 我们海外同学更忘不了我们曾经怀有的梦想, 为了走向世界, 我们曾经没日没夜的学习专业和外语,还记得我们的传奇, 两位同学把英文字典倒背如流,还有在校期间王, 蔡两位教授从英美留学归来给我们的鼓励。我们海外同学可能经历了不同的艰辛, 不一样的人生起伏,在异国他乡,远离亲人,远离我们熟悉的生活和工作环境,从零开始。可正是在医大的学习和生活的经历铸造了我们坚强的性格和吃苦耐劳的精神,给了我们人生的动力和勇气, 还有自信,使得我们不知疲倦地越过了30年人生中的一座座山丘,才有了我们今天的成果!

30年过去了, 我们也许不再有在大学时对世界的好奇及探索的热情, 为生活忙碌, 奔波, 我们可能已经在"世俗"路上走的很远。可是今天回到这里, 与这么多年少时的同学,老师和朋友相见,仿佛又回到从前,又有了人生的动力, 又忘不了为什么我们要出发。  是的, 我们仍会努力记取: 不忘初心,方得始终.










Perfect fit size 13. I normally order 13's. Very comfortable.
- Switzerland

Been getting these forever, love the fit, 13 4E. Perfect, comfortable.
- Switzerland

Purchased them as a gift. They fit very comfortable and he's very happy with them.
- Switzerland

Finally able to order my correct size without getting a size bigger to get the width I need.
- Switzerland

Bought these for the hubby to replace the ones he wore out. He says they're the best he's found for his use.
- Liberia

I'm a truck driver climbing up and down and inside trailers shoes perform well no falling apart yet so I'd buy them again
- Singapore

Sneakers fit as advertised; it was in excellent condition; fit was comfortable, sturdy, and it works for casual use which is what I wanted.
- Singapore

I have a wide foot and they fit well. I use it for working out, yard work and errands. I would not run in this shoe but on a stair master or bike no problem.
- Switzerland

Husband has a wide foot with a high instep. This is the only shoe that fits him comfortably. Have purchased this shoe multiple times. Good price and well made. Will definitely purchase again.
- Singapore

I've worn Nike Air Monarch IV for years because they are so comfortable. These are excellent cross training shoes and have been ideal for my needs. It's not always easy to find them in my size, but had them at a great price!
- Singapore

2023-12-04 03:19:03--
I like the weight of the earrings but, the logo isn’t clean cut

2023-12-04 03:02:19--
the same size as the official website, with a Chanel logoEarrings are really beautiful. I'm surprised at their price. I just think I bought another pair of earrings from this seller, because these earrings have a sterling silver back, and I appreciate my sensitive ears. The package arrived in a week, so it was also great. I can't wait to order more. Thank you, seller. I'm a loyal customer now!

2023-12-04 02:59:12--
they are really beautiful i recommend and they do not seem to rust or turn off

Displaying 841 to 843 (of 843 reviews)

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